Alvin, Sophie Sew doesn't convert the image. But you can load an image in the background and trace over it. Then export it to DST (readable to Brother)
joanna ellis, there are a couple of videos showing you how to import jpg, bmp file. Once imported you have to use the stitch options to trace your picture. There's videos for this as well, search youtube. Save often!
Hope your health has improved. I love your software. The only problem I have is crashing when I'm at the end of digitilizing. I love it though other then that.
Very buggy. Crashes a lot. Version 2 promised about 7 years ago. When it works, it is very nice. Can't save as .pes files. I have send emails but they never respond.
Hello! I would like to take this opportunity to make a comment on the rather glacial pace of my version two software of late. Unfortunately, several years ago I was diagnosed with a mitral heart valve problem. At the time, it was considered stable but unfortunately then decided to take a turn for the worse. The last two years have been especially tough as I have had to struggle with normal work, increasing fatigue and ill health. However, as of just over a week ago I have been in hospital and had the thing repaired. I am now busy recuperating at home and am beginning to feel much better. With this problem out of the way, I now hope to be much more active in the development of SophieSew.
I realize your post is dated last year. ( I just found and downloaded Sophiesew)
God bless you and hope you have had a speedy recovery. I have found your program to be wonderful and I am very excited about your Version 2. Hope it will be out soon.
Thank you so very much. I know that you have put alot of time and effort into this software. I have found it to be awesome and need you to know you and your skills are extremely appreciated.
Mary Shaffer
Thank you, Carlos Mandell.
God bless you and hope you have had a speedy recovery. I have found your program to be wonderful and I am very excited about your Version 2. Hope it will be out soon.
Thank you so very much. I know that you have put alot of time and effort into this software. I have found it to be awesome and need you to know you and your skills are extremely appreciated.
Mary Shaffer